29 September 2009

she makes me smile

*ding dong ding dong ding dong*  Ya know, they say living out here is a quiet residence.  I beg to differ.  We have the noon-time Catholic church bells ironically sounding from the "House of Silence".  Then, there's the mid-morning, mid-evening, and MIDNIGHT sirens screaming across the hills.  Now that it's prime harvest season, the tractors are running through the fields at any possible working hour.  This includes late night hours and early morning hours.  This weekend, folk music was singing from the neighborhood at the bottom of the hill.  The funniest of all the noises, however, is the cow.  Every so often, there is just one cow who bellows just one mighty bellow, also a day or night sounding.  She makes me smile.  

Just letting you know I'm alive.  :-)  Happy Tuesday!

15 September 2009


Counting the stitches on my beloved quilt, conviction settled into my mind.  I don't speak enough.  The previous post "Passion" is the prequel and introduction to this post- and hopefully a number of posts to follow.  

Today's soap box: America.  
Somewhere in the middle of my list, I wrote I am passionate about politics, reform, local missions, and culture/nations.  I am going to take each of those passions and mold them into one [stretched] stream of thought.

I am not going to speak about conservatism and the great republican way.  I am not going to encourage anyone in one partisan direction or another.  I am not going to encourage anyone to eat organic and switch your bulbs to energy efficient.  I am not going to speak against the current President.  I AM, however, going to encourage you to start speaking.

I keep up with the status of America as best I can from over here.  These questions have run through my mind; as I am sure you've also asked yourself.
What IS going to happen to America in the next few years?  What's going to happen as this quarter ends and the first of 2010 begins?!  What's going to change- for the better? -for the worse?  How will those changes take seat?  How does it all effect ME?

Before I can say ANYthing else, PRAY for the leaders and our nation; the issues.  COVER America with the blood of Jesus, and I assure you, we will see change (for the better).

National level politics is a big leagues field.  It seems like the coach's pitch all-star MVP trying to play with Mickey Mantel and Cal Ripkin.  Reality is, becoming involved in the happenings of the nation is not so difficult.  Glen Beck put it clearly in a summer broadcast- we are being OVERLOADED with information, and it is absolutely impossible to keep up with everything the Obama Administration is saying. 
What CAN we do?  
1. Re-familiarize yourself with the constitution.  
2. Pick an issue and follow it.  Research that issue and know that issue inside out.  
3. Pick a person (persons) and follow them.  Research that person and learn as much as you possibly can about that particular political head.  Whether it be a senator, delegate, or one of these new appointees- PICK SOME ONE!  
4. USE THAT INFORMATION.  Compare the happenings within the realm of that issue/figure to the constitution.  When something does not fit together, then begin to speak-up about it.  Instead of complaining at the dinner table, write emails to your local representative and to the media.  

That's the national level.  
What I believe is far too often overlooked is the local level of politics.  We get so into the news and rhetoric of the national politicians, that we forget that our neighborhoods are being impacted right in front of us.  GET INVOLVED IN YOUR LOCAL POLITICAL SCENE!!  Know who your Delegates are and begin to communicate with them.  Attend board and council meetings.  Again, you cannot do everything, so pick an area and invest yourself.  Seeking local reform is eventually going to impact the nation on a broader spectrum.  

So, WAKE UP America!!  I can see from here that much of America has already awoken... now become proactive in your stance.  


I am passionate.  

I am a passionate person when it comes to nearly everything I do.  When I choose to invest in something, I go all the way in without reserve.  What's reserve for, anyway?  Back-up?  I don't do "back-up" plans.  I do full throttle, all my faith, all my gumption plans.  And, if there happens to be a fail, I take all my energy into resolving the situation, or into developing a new method.  Is it a waste of resources?  Perhaps.  For me, I'd rather run over failure with all my momentum, than get stuck in the rut.  That's just me.  

So, what AM I passionate about?
I am passionate about change.  I am passionate about seeing people realize their potential.  I am passionate about prophetic destiny.  I am passionate about perfection  I am passionate about divine order.  I am passionate about coaching, encouraging, and teaching.  I am passionate about prayer and intercession.  I am passionate about creating and developing.  I am passionate about music.  I am passionate about worship as a lifestyle, but also as creative expression.  I am passionate about truth.  I am passionate about justice and mercy sharing their respective responsibilities.  I am passionate about theater and opera.  I am passionate about dance.  I am passionate about turning a stage into a fantasy world.  I am passionate about colors.  I am passionate about light.  I am passionate about life.  I am passionate about politics.  I am passionate about reform.  I am passionate about local missions.  I am passionate about culture and nations.  I am passionate about learning.  I am passionate about health services.  I am passionate about blood/organ donation.  I am passionate about friendship.  I am passionate about reading.  I am passionate about writing.  I am passionate about running and sports.  I am passionate about competition.  I am passionate about leadership, problem solving, and communication.  I am passionate.  

What are YOU passionate about?  Comment.  Email.  Facebook.  Let me know what you're passionate about.

11 September 2009

Shabby Apple

I am absolutely stealing this post from E.  :-)  But, it's a worthy cause with a great source!
So, without asking her permission, I am officially copying her entire post and pasting it here.  She wrote so well on the topic already, I think it's better to just give her the credit and the platform.  :-)  AND, if you're interested in a great blog (one that is REGULARLY updated), then head on over to Home With the Boys.  If you are interested in the giveaway from Shabby Apple, then reply as instructed below on E's blog.  
Again, if you are interested, you must follow the instructions below, and reply at Home With the Boys!
So here's E's post:
Shabby Apple captured my heart as soon as I read their story and mission...

After years of not being able to find stylish dresses that covered enough skin to make you really feel comfortable (without wearing a tank top, cardigan or long slip), owners Emily and CK decided to do something about it.

They visited trade shows, marketplaces and designer studios only to discover the problem was not that department stores weren't buying the right dresses, but that designers weren't designing them.

Shabby Apple is proud to offer you fantastic dresses that allow you to look fabulous, without having to compromise anything else.

A return to what dresses were always meant to be — a one-piece outfit. No need to add anything...no tank tops, no cardigans, nothing (except accessories, of course!).

Modest, fashionable clothing for girls and women WITHOUT HAVING TO LAYER!

For those of you who don’t know, I am a youth sponsor at our church and four years ago, we started a fashion show centered around modesty. It’s called “Unfading Beauty.” My good friend C is the creative mastermind behind it and I LOVE being involved with it.

Since that first show, I have become passionate about girls and women looking cute in clothing that doesn’t “give everything away.”

And Shabby Apple does just that. Cute dresses for little girls, teens and women. Even maternity clothes and fabulous accessories. And it’s all modest.

By the way, modest does NOT have to equal frumpy. Especially in the case of Shabby Apple.

You really must check them out.

And as if you needed more incentive to head on over to their website, here’s one more!

They are giving away a dress RIGHT HERE!

This dress – it’s called 90 WPM – isn’t it gorgeous?!

So how do you win?

All you have to do is click over to their site, browse through their beautiful dresses, and let me know which dress you love (other than 90 WPM) in the comment section! One comment per person, please!

This giveaway will close Monday, September 14th at 8:00 p.m. CDT when one winner will be chosen at random.

Have fun and a HUGE thank you to Shabby Apple!

08 September 2009

Five Reasons to Fall in Love: 2nd Edition....

...with Nebraska.  

Nope, not a joke.  

In case you missed last year's edition, you can read here about Maryland.

Nebraska is very much an overlooked state.  It is underrated. 

1.  Nebraska is a golden, farming state.  You may 
not consider this such spledor, but I tell you, "a
mber waves of grain" takes on a whole new meaning on a typical mid-July afternoon driving across the interstate.
*1. This is actually a shot of Chimney Rock in the background.

2.  Sunsets/Sky.  Some say they prefer the sunset across the ocean or spread between the mountains, but if you've never seen a mid-west prairie or desert sunset, you don't get a vote.  Yes, at first introduction, the wide open skies can be overwhelming for those of us who are familiar with the broken horizon.  After my first NE sunset, I was in love.  As you can see, rainbows become nearly tangible in Nebraska.

3. With the prairie land comes prairie weather- tornado season and amazing thunderstorms.  for storm lovers like me,
 this is an ideal all-you-can-eat buffet.

4.  So, before everyone begins to believe that Nebraska really is just country mile after country mile of farm-land, I'll move on to patriotism.  "There's no place like Nebraska, good ol' Nebraska U!"  
Nebraska doesn't have a professional sports team, but the athletics of UNL are a great pride and joy.  
Nebraska football is a tradition.  Game days in Lincoln are phenomenal and offer an atmosphere like none other (Penn State offers competition in game day atmospheres).  NU isn't just football, though- Volleyball, women's soccer, basketball, bowling, wrestling, etc. are consistently ranked teams, offering Olympic and professional athletes season by season.   Credit for this photo goes to Maddie from one of my last Huskers' games as a student.

5.  This is by far the most subjective explanation I offer.  Rock Solid Youth Ministries.  LOVE YOU GUYS!  This is an incredible group from Christ's Place located in South Lincoln.  Christ's Place and Rock Solid are considered a home and family to me.  All of my RS pics are on my external HD, which is currently not with me, so check out the website and see how cool they/we really are.  

05 September 2009

An Attitude of Gratitude

Thank YOU, my precious ones, for not getting too annoyed with me this past.... year.  You, my faithful readers, friends, supporters, and family, have aided the wind beneath my wings.  It has been all too long since I've provided a decent update for you, so let me see if I can do justice to the neglect.

As the summer began, I posted a calendar of what was to come.  And, those events have all come and gone... among many other things.  The summer has FLOWN by and will soon be tucked under a blanket of fall colors and autumnal winds until next June.  

The events of this summer have brought great amounts of growth and stretching.  My faith has been tested from one day to the next.  How so?  In simple, daily living.  Last year, the faith was tested in great obvious ways- visa, housing, school, relationships.  This summer, my [faith] has been further established in the small details of who Cree is.  Peace has become something that I will to experience and exhibit, rather than anticipate appearing.  Love has become my hiding place.  

It's been a summer of gifts.  Since my birthday in May, it's just been one sweet, honoring gift after another.  Some examples include a new passion, restored vision, encouragement when least expected, financial blessings, new songs, ministry partners, and a new sense of easiness.  I got a good coffee date with Daddy Steve in the middle of June.  Hallelujah for that coffee date.  He and I talked through so many things going on around us and how to move forward.  It was refreshing to talk to an American dad face-to-face and get some sound fatherly input.  While I have great elders here, there are so many little cultural things that really make a big difference when seeking advice.  It was then that I was most at odds about whether or not to stay another year... and HOW to stay another year.  Steve is obviously partial to young people moving to Austria, but he provided such an objective perspective about all the details (staying or leaving).  Exactly three days later, I finally made my heart and mind decision to STAY, as a student.

It has been a summer of fun.  Once work and school ended for the year, I was able to breathe a little and jump fully into the ministry.  A team from America (PA) came over at the end of June/beginning of July to help with our summer camp and many to stay for 3 months.  I have to admit, when they first arrived, it was too much for me.  At that first camp meeting with everyone, I thought I would explode.  SO MUCH AMERICAN CULTURE AND AMERICAN ENGLISH IN ONE ROOM!  I feel I can say this without offending any of them (you)- I didn't want anything to do with them (you), at first.  I was FINALLY confident in being here and then they (you) come and screw it all up!  When I arrived at the Brauhaus, I was polite and reluctantly introduced myself, but it wasn't until the end of the night that I really decided I was genuinely happy to have them (you) there.  Sorry, to all of you!  Then, the fun really began.  These guys fall into the category of gifts and fun from this summer.  I realized how much I missed little things about the American culture and language.  Even more, though, this is a great group of solid people.  Friendships grew from within this group that I wasn't expecting- thanks for seeing past my stubbornness! 
Some fun events from the last month: lots of ice cream, Kirsch's visit, hiking in Eisenerz, swimming, a weekend in Wolfsberg, Smor-ba-que with house group and the J-team (practically the A-team, but cooler).  Now that the PA team has begun to leave, I'm sad to see them go.  My heart is thrilled to know many will come back for long term, but the others- I look forward to seeing you again eventually... even if it means a trip to Harrisburg the next time I'm State-bound!! 

It's been a summer of productivity.  I won't write too many details here, because it is boring.  But, many tasks have been completed for Blast, other ministries, and for me personally.  I am applying NOW for my visa extension.  It seems the little details are coming together and I will be able to submit my application the week of the 14th!!  I'll keep you posted.  This year here will be different from the last year and soon, I will be writing a more specific letter about what that entails.  A sneak peak- I won't be working regularly this year, as I did last year.  This will allow increased freedom in my schedule to do more of what I am actually here to do in ministry, but requires a greater faith and support in finances.  We'll talk about that at another time, though.

I've missed all of you and I've missed blogging.  In the next few weeks, routine will re-enter my life.  I am hoping, that at that time, to be able to blog more regularly and to even have dates with you again!

Wolfsberg gang- thank you for your commitment this summer and for seeing beyond my early moments of resentment!  Like I said when I was down there, it is SUCH an encouragement to have had you here, sharing and working toward a vision with you.  Even if you've felt your time here was limited or what you've come to do is "practically nothing", I assure you that you've had purpose and change has been set in motion because of your willing heart.  Thank you.  To you, especially who are not returning for a year commitment, I pray you're able to take something from Austria back to the States with you.  Your being here hasn't been only to serve, but also to be served.  May you experience that as truth.

Thank you everyone, again, for all of your support and encouragement this summer (this year)!  And, thank you for all your patience and understanding!  I value and love each of you!!