30 June 2009

Urlaub? Not likely.

Quick/Important Announcement:  I've decided to apply to extend my Student Visa.  Please, be in prayer agreement that the paperwork runs smoothly and that the finances come through (support "letters" will be sent out soon).

"Oh great, summer's coming!  That means you'll have more free time, right?!  You gonna go somewhere for vacation?!"

Riggghhhttt... more free time.  Nope.  Not happening.  Not for this kid.  Summer is just as busy, if not busier, for me.  Sure, I'm not working or at the Uni, but there is PLENTY to do for Blast and Exousia that I am definitely BUSY.  With what, you may ask?  I need some prayer support for the following summer endeavors.

1. German final
2. Hauskreis (House Group) (HK)
3. Vinex Meeting (Vinex is the combined youth groups from Exousia and Vineyard-Graz)
4. Rehearsal for camp worship.  Church.
6-10. Moving to Blast Hill.
9. HK
15.19. Youth Camp- Passion!
19-22. Mandy visits
22.-??. trip to Croatia for some full on ministry.  I'll be doing a lot of prayer/intercession ministry, as well as practically serving some specific families.  This will be an intense time that will have great impact on the region.  I've not set a solid plan as I'm not yet sure just how long Abba wants me there.  It is important that I am sensitive and wise about this time.
End of July. HK mini-retreat at Blast Hill

1-16. SOW preparations and closings
6. HK
7. Vinex Meeting (tbd)
8. self declared DAY OFF
9. Vital SOW prep day in Brauhaus
10-15. SOW 
Mid/End of Aug. Return to Croatia for more ministry and maybe even a few days of REST!

During the weeks where it seems like "nothing" happens, there is PLENTY of planning work that I have to be doing.  The great thing about summer, though, is that I know I'll get a lot of good ice cream.  So, summer season, HERE I COME!

21 June 2009

Congrats, Mr. and Mrs. Williams!

There are a lot of things I've had to sacrifice since moving here.  Culture... language... job... relationships... comfort... familiarity... and so on.  One of the most difficult things to continually sacrifice, is being a consistent part of the lives of my friends and family.  The Rock Solid Pebbles are all growing up (quickly and gorgeously, I might add)... the KIDS from RS are growing up and graduating [Congrats, Kels and Steph (and all the others)!]... and the recent, most difficult sacrifice- weddings.  

Justin and Debbie married on Saturday 20.6.  Since I couldn't be AT the wedding, here's my blog tribute to this awesome couple.

This is a relationship I've seen go through the races and come out strong.  Their continual battle to keep Christ centered in their relationship is inspiring.  They stand together in the natural and supernatural, supporting one another with the greatest strength the Lord can provide.  They go into battle zones together and they go into the tent of David to worship together.  They love their friends unconditionally, together.  At times, I have advised them both to be "less serious" about some things... but their "seriousness" was only a quest for purity and true light between them.  Worshipful obedience is at the core of this relationship.  When the Lord told them to separate for a time, they painfully did so.  When Deb went to Sudan and Justin to Texas, they  clung to the cross in their relationship and persevered.  When they were together at UNL, they re-learned how to relate face-to-face with one another.  They learned how to accept change and growth in one another.  They learned how to encourage continued change and growth.  When the time came to separate again, they both were willing to sacrifice their own dreams and visions for the sake of the Kingdom.  Upon reuniting (again), they grew together in a new territory- where they could learn to manage life together within a new church family, a new ministry environment, and with a different type of spiritual support from their loved ones.
I have had the honor to know both Debbie and Justin as a couple and as individuals.  
With Deb, a relationship that began as a student-leader discipleship quickly became a very close, best-friendship, sisterhood.  She is one of the most reliable persons I know (even if she is running/thinking on African time).  She is disciplined, discerning, and growing more accurate in both.  She is a joy.  
With Justin, he started as "Debbie's shy boyfriend" who became one of the greatest, strongest, most courageous of my mighty men.  He always took everything I could offer and ran to the throne room with it to get more from God directly.  He is dependable, loyal, firm, and wise.  He is... crazy.
Their gentleness, humility, and willingness before the Lord is encouraging.  We've spent many nights praying, worshiping, sitting, crying, laughing, and exercising together.  I trust them both with my life and my crayons.  Aside from all the serious details- they are both fun.  Their adventurous flair compliments one another like coffee and cake.  Some of my most enjoyable, most embarrassing, most HILARIOUS memories are shared with this couple.  Some of my deepest, most rewarding/encouraging, and even most painful memories are shared with this couple.

Mr. Justin LeRoy and Mrs. Deborah Sue Williams- I love you.  You're two of the greatest and it is an honor to share in this carnal life with you.  I look forward to more memories - supernatural highs, circumstantial lows, fun, and crazy (I was crazy once...) memories.  When we meet face-to-face again, we'll share a toast with Asti and a glass of beer!  

10 June 2009

Procession of Process to be Processed

Oh how great is our God?
It is just shy of 9:30pm and the sky looks like this behind me:

I am sitting on the patio to the rear the house, enjoying a red Zinf and my evening meal, while sifting through some notes.  I'm on a quest for the "perfect" message for the youth meeting I am teaching on Saturday.  It's been a LONG time since I've taught like this- it feels good to do this sort of lesson planning.  

A lot has been on my mind recently, but the following things have weighed most heavily in the last few weeks.  
  • During a spectacle of thunderstorm one May-Monday night, Cle and I shared some great memories and conversation with Sula.  The question had been posed earlier in the evening, "So, what are you passionate about?"  Some hours later, during our storm watching time, the answers to the question continued.  I am asking you, this time, what are YOU passionate about?  What do you plan to do about those passions?  How will you realize dream-turned passions into reality?

  • Another small nugget- praise.  For about 45% of my college career, the Lord spoke to me about being a "Praise Warrior" and some how, during the last 10 months, I've nearly forgotten the entire lesson series.  Just recently has the Lord so graciously been reminding me of the truth behind battles won through an attitude and lifestyle of praise.  Psalm 103 has been my heart's song.  Praise the Lord, oh my soul, praise the Lord.  May all that is in me remember what He has done and who He is... May all creatures of Heaven and Earth give Him the praise He is due.  May every centimeter and fiber within me be a Holy praise offering to the most high King.
**disclaimer: the following point is much different from the previous two.
  • I really miss my precious friend and sister, Astiana.  It's been 7 years, today actually, since she finished the race on this side of the Heavenlies.  Missing her ebbs and ways.  Some times, it comes like a high tide and washes me over more than one would expect after so many years.  Other seasons, it's only a thought here and there.  A memory provoked by a smell, a song, a sound, a Verse, or a photo.  Recently, though, I've been missing her more than usual.  I've had a number of dreams about her... I awake feeling as if we've actually been together.  It is more than confusing to process.  Typically, I'll take some minutes to let myself deal with the emotions and then I will pray for her family.  It's been a long time since I have seen them, also- sheer distance is the perpetrator of this felony.  This was just something that I needed to say.