28 April 2009

Prayer Plea


I'd like to say that "we" are on a roll again... but it appears I am alone trying to roll. Shame on you... shame on you.

Actually, this is my "Pre-Sarajevo Prayer Plea" blog post!

I leave for Sarajevo Wednesday evening. I'll first go to Zagreb and then drive to Sarajevo Thursday morning. I'll get back late Sunday night.

My health is attempting to fail me. All day yesterday, I felt dehydrated and really had to fight to get my body feeling well enough to function. I managed through the day but still felt like yuck by bed time. I woke up this morning no longer feeling dehydrated, but I feel like.... hmm... crap. I went to work this morning and actually got sick while I was there. I stayed- not to infect the whole school or to prove some sort of female-macho-hood... I stayed because the bus system left me rather abandoned. It was alright, though. I got through the hours and actually had a great time at work despite the crappy feeling. I am now in between responsibilities and my body is still trying to convince me it's sick. I know I'm fine... and I know this is only an attempt to take away from this week in Sarajevo- so please, stand with me. I'm continuing through my day with everything I had planned, but I am still taking it easy. I'll get to bed early tonight and tackle tomorrow morning as best as I can.

I trust you'll stand with me in protection and wisdom. I just need to be smart while I'm down there... thanks everyone!

26 April 2009

Covenant Friendship- Only an Introduction

Since we've all been slackers, and yes, I really do mean all of us in the blogging community... regardless of the excuse, new job, too much homework, a new baby, etc... we've been TERRIBLE... right, my main point, since we've all been slackers recently, I've decided to make a step in a more motivated direction! At least, for today I am... I'll probably go back to being a slacker in due time. :-)

It's funny how the Lord develops relationships. I had a number of friends (according to the American definition) before I moved over here. There were quite a few people I knew in the church and from other connections around Graz. During the first months, though, these relationships seemed non-existent, with the exception of very few. It was a trying time. It was a lonely time. I don't know what I've said on this topic before, so I could very be repeating myself, but I'm going to talk about it again anyway.
I am one week shy of having lived here for nine months, and now am I really feeling confident and comfortable in these relationships. I will talk about the cultural explanations for such struggles, but I don't blame only nationality for this time. I confess to having had my own deal of *crap* to get through with the Lord and this simply would not have been possible in a land plentiful of many friends. I also confess to having closed eyes for a season and thus, I confess to unintentionally hurting some of my Austrians along the way.
Austrian people are, as stereotyped, hard, cold, distant, and rude. Though not quite so as the German picture, they are disciplined and regimented. They are not at all anything like the Von Trapp family (aside from the occasional Lederhosen and Dirndl). So, no British accents, no driving on the left side of the road, no singing with every step through the market, no whistles, no Edelweis in English, etc. Right, back to my point.... Austrians, like the majority of Continental Europe, drive on the right side of the road. No, that still wasn't my point, but before anyone embarrassed themselves, I just wanted to bring some clarity. What WAS my point? Austrians as people.... This seemingly harsh surface is really only a surface. They aren't so hard and cold, they simply aren't small talkers (aside from the little old ladies living in Julia and Sula's apartment building). Getting to know any Austrian involves hurdles and hoops. It means proving yourself. It means inviting the Austrian over and over again until he or she finally says "yes" and allows you into their heart. It's tough work. It's exhausting and even discouraging if you're not used to such a repetition of what appears to be rejection. I was always told to "stick in there" and that Austrians are "friends for life." I can say, now, that I see what was meant by that. While the early steps of relationship with Austrians appears impossible, once an Austrians chooses to trust you, care about you, and love you as a friend, they will not let you go. They are covenant friends, only it takes them a while to choose to make the covenant.
Somehow, for me, this situation was different even still. There's another culture to be added to the equation- Kingdom Culture. Because the majority of the people I associate with are Christians, this concept of relationship is even a bit different. In this case, many of my developing relationships involved the struggle between Earth-bound culture and Heavenly Culture. It meant often, from both parties, letting go of familiar ways to approach a person and allowing the Lord's love make the statement for the friendship. This means a quick love and trust (at least to a certain level). This blessing of Kingdom culture allowed for open doors for prayer support and simple coffee dates. This allowed for meeting in the middle between American Small Talk and Austrian Walls. It meant willfully opening gates that would normally be closed and locked. It meant realizing a new level of trust in the Lord. And now, these relationships that have been growing in the last nine months are some of the most precious, closest, dearest relationships I've known.
Covenant friendship... ask the Spirit to show you what that means. For me, it means fighting on behalf of my brothers and sisters. It means standing in agreement to see them reach their potential. It means having fun playing tag on the Schlossberg. It means enchiladas, beer and a game of Oh Hell. It means crying, laughing, cheering, falling, rising, growing, praying, talking, dancing, working... loving... all in a way that represents the Gospel of Truth in a way that the world craves such a friendship.
For a long time, I've approached my friendships in this way- or at least I've tried. Once I let you into my heart, you're there perpetually. I think what's changed for me, though, is how I allow you there and what exactly I'll do with you once you're there.

I charge you with this examination- are your relationships something you can find in the World or are they something that the World finds attractively different?

25 April 2009

Fruit Dip Experiment Week 2

Week 2 of the Fruit Dip Experiment also went well. It is difficult to determine if my House Group ACTUALLY likes what I serve them or if they're simply happy to be eating. After all, we are a group of students (student age, at least).

Soo, what was in the mix for this week? I decided to make two different flavors this week- a vanilla almond and chocolate for hte perfect juxtaposition The chocolate tasted great- was something like a runny pudding. I'm not sure why it turned out to be more liquidy than the others, but it was pretty runny. Delicious, none the less. The vanilla-almond actually became vanilla hazelnut. It was a little sour, especially compared to the chocolate, but still tasty. I served both dips with apple slices and bananas this week.

23 April 2009

GADC Dreams

This is DEFINITELY a blog for all my GADC family. If I thought it were feasible, I'd take it as a sign to go home for a month to work this summer.

I woke up this morning from what might be the absolutely most bizarre dream I've ever had. It was at camp... and for SOME reason, I had to provide entertainment for the assembly. The only props I saw fit for my ideas were a chicken and a duck puppet (very large puppets, like half my size large). So, into puppet world I went. They both had British accents and were supposedly on some camping trip. After a while, the haphazardous duck was sent home because he caused too many problems. Then, my dream turned into a cartoon instead of a puppet show. I'd go on with the story, but the middle gets little foggy in my memory banks. It has a sad middle, an exciting climax, and a warm-fuzzy reunion between this haphazardous duck, the chicken, and all their other friends.

What I remember best about the dream- Michelle and Amy D. CRACKING up as I went about my puppet show. Hillary, you were there too, mockingly sipping from your coke.
Oh how I miss you guys... :-) Love you all!
I pray for the best camp experience for you all again this year. Well okay, we know it'll only reach SECOND best camp status since I'm not there, but I pray you have the best camp experience that is possible to maintain without me being there. Looking at the updates- it's definitely another testimony of how successful our God is. Keep it up, guys! If you let me, I'll do your devos some morning from all the way over here! :-)

19 April 2009

Praise Awaits You...

Freude Freude Freude .....

Joy Joy Joy .....

The God we serve is always at His very best. How assuring is that?

It's been a great season, Friends. The last weeks have been incredibly busy and stressful. I've been running around Austria, Croatia, and the Holy of Holies with such a new intensity and intentionality.

You know what shakes a city and changes a nation? The love of the Father.

Something I've mentioned before, I've always been known as the "strong one" and the "warrior." And you know, this is true. I am a warrior and I am a strong woman of faith. However, this warrior's prayers have been reformed. I've found that the best prayers I can offer sound something like, "Abba Father, help!" The "funny" thing is that this simple cry has been the most effective prayer I've offered in the last year.

This weekend has been absolutely fun. I arranged for a group from my House Group to go to Wolfsberg. You've read about Steve Espamer in previous posts. He's been here for the last two months with two other great men (Jason and Alex). They've spent the bulk of their time in Wolfsberg ministering to the young people there. This week, 5 of us went to join in the fun and to see what's happening with our own eyes. We participated in an evangelistic youth meeting consisting of a few worship songs, a short presentation of who our Father is, and then a great time of fellowship. After the service, we went to the bars. Just hanging out in the world and having a great, righteous time together is simply ... good. :-) Saturday morning, Jason was nice enough to let me help him make blueberry pancakes for everyone (something like 15 of us total for breakfast!). We got to see the new apartment downtown (testimony to follow) and then walked up to the castle. Of course, this time with Steve, Jason, and Alex is special for me, as I get the opportunity to embrace a familiar earthly culture. I think, though, somehow even more precious to me is the opportunity for deeper connection and development of relationships with my Austrian brothers and sisters. These trips give us the opportunity to learn more about each other and hang out without the church atmosphere. Yes, the best way to know a man's heart is to pray with him, but we aren't only spiritual beings. So, to my Austrians who will happen to read this, thank you for a wonderful weekend (and a wonderful 8.5 months so far)!
Returning to Graz led us STRAIGHT to lunch. :-) and eventually church. Church has been so fun recently. Worship has been SOARING and breaking into new dimensions (I pray the same is happening for you). A team from Prepare International (a ministry partner based in Texas) came to Graz this weekend to prep for a prayer trip throughout Continental Europe (Czech, Belgium, Croatia). First of all, these guys from Texas have amazing hearts and it is always a blessing to have them here with us. Second of all, I feel like all this exposure to other Americans is like little kisses from the Lord, just for me. It is a real blessing and honor to be a part of such a humble, effective, anointed community. There's NOTHING more encouraging than being EXACTLY where you are supposed to be WHEN you are supposed to be there. Thank you, Heavenly Father, for this plan you have for me.
After church, Sulamit, Bella and I simply weren't ready to separate, yet. Into the city we went! We hung out over drinks at one of the Irish Pubs (Flann O'Brien). Laughing... playing cards. Which, you know how difficult it is to find a card game to play when there are two cultures involved? Man... I tell you. I've come a long way climbing over cultural boundaries, but this card game search reminded me, yet again, how fun and creative God is. We ended up playing a riveting game of BS.
Today, I'm in the office on BLAST Hill. There's a prayer seminar downstairs with this team from Texas. I'm organizing some things here and enjoying the joyful atmosphere.
I am preparing my heart for the conference in Sarajevo. I am getting PUMPED... PSYCHED... STOKED... for this conference. My heart is enamored with the Balkans. I feel like the slightest bump would pop the love I have for this region and the women there. I would like to use this opportunity to make another plea for your prayer support in this time. I don't just mean DURING the conference, but these last 2 weeks leading up to the conference and the weeks to follow.
I can't believe how quickly time is flying. My birthday is just 3 weeks away, Cle comes in 4 weeks... wow wow wow!

The following is a copy of a testimony about the apartment in Wolfsberg I just wrote about.
Saturday morning we got a call from the owner of the Christian book store. He said we (Meinrad and me) had to rush there right away, that there was a woman that had a flat for rent, going on the market Monday, but she was just getting ready to leave for Vienna. She heard about what God was doing and wanted to talk to us first.

She has been praying for 5 years for God to do something for the youth of the city. Her flat is strategically located, right in the center of town, right where all the kids hang out, and she was heart broken over what she was seeing. She said she wanted to "give" the flat to somebody who was working with the youth but for 5 years never found anyone. She was holding out in hopes of being able to give the place to a youth outreach. She had no success in finding anything so was putting the place on the market on Monday. But she forgot her cell phone in Vienna so went to the Christian book store to use the phone, as she was friends with the owner for many years. She told him what she was about to do.

But he just "happened" to be at our meeting on Friday night, where Jason and I were leading worship, and where he saw one of the non church kids get instantly healed of pulled ligaments in her ankle. So he told her about us and she wanted to meet us before she left town in a few hours. We had a nice visit and told her what God was doing and what was on our hearts. 20 minutes later, right there on the spot, she "gave" us the flat, completely rent free, starting with a 3 year agreement! All we have to do is pay utilities and it is all ours. She gave us the key that day!

So now we have a home base to live or house interns, and to have kids over for meetings, right in the center of where all the youth hang out!

14 April 2009

Fruit Dip #1

Happy Spring!

Ahhh, I love the beautiful weather we're having here. Last week was a little warmer than I prefer for early spring, but this week is off to a perfect start. All this beautiful weather has me in the mood for fruit. I've decided to experiment with some different fruit dips, salsas, and salads throughout the season. Mostly, I'll be sharing them with my House Group.

Tonight, I decided to make the basic dip so that I can adjust to the different ingredients offered here. I used cream cheese and a variation of sour cream. There are several different versions of sour cream that I can choose from. They all have basically the same affect, but slightly different textures and tastes. This makes it a little tricky. The one I chose, was a good choice though a bit too sour. I added about 3 tablespoons of sugar. My plan WAS to add some vanilla extract, but I found out much too late that we don't have any at home and thus, I used some "vanilla sugar." The extra sugar helped take off some of that sour edge and the vanilla was the perfect amount of flavoring. I'll take my basic concoction to House Group on Thursday and see how it fares.

I'd appreciate any creative fruit salads, salsas, and dips you can toss my way throughout this season.

07 April 2009


While searching for CNN's online update of the Italian earthquake status, I came across an article discussing the latest "most outrageous excuses" for being late. I've posted the list of excuses below, you can find the complete article on CNN.com

Use your imagination

If you've decided honesty is not the best policy for you, don't try using any of the following excuses as the reason why you're late -- they've been heard before.

Here are 12 of the most outrageous excuses employees have heard for being late to work:

1. My heat was shut off so I had to stay home to keep my snake warm.

2. My husband thinks it's funny to hide my car keys before he goes to work.

3. I walked into a spider web on the way out the door and couldn't find the spider, so I had to go inside and shower again.

4. I got locked in my trunk by my son.

5. My left turn signal was out so I had to make all right turns to get to work.

6. A gurney fell out of an ambulance and delayed traffic.

7. I was attacked by a raccoon and had to stop by the hospital to make sure it wasn't rabid.

8. I feel like I'm in everyone's way if I show up on time.

9. My father didn't wake me up.

10. A groundhog bit my bike tire and made it flat.

11. My driveway washed away in the rain last night.

12. I had to go to bingo.