07 April 2009


While searching for CNN's online update of the Italian earthquake status, I came across an article discussing the latest "most outrageous excuses" for being late. I've posted the list of excuses below, you can find the complete article on CNN.com

Use your imagination

If you've decided honesty is not the best policy for you, don't try using any of the following excuses as the reason why you're late -- they've been heard before.

Here are 12 of the most outrageous excuses employees have heard for being late to work:

1. My heat was shut off so I had to stay home to keep my snake warm.

2. My husband thinks it's funny to hide my car keys before he goes to work.

3. I walked into a spider web on the way out the door and couldn't find the spider, so I had to go inside and shower again.

4. I got locked in my trunk by my son.

5. My left turn signal was out so I had to make all right turns to get to work.

6. A gurney fell out of an ambulance and delayed traffic.

7. I was attacked by a raccoon and had to stop by the hospital to make sure it wasn't rabid.

8. I feel like I'm in everyone's way if I show up on time.

9. My father didn't wake me up.

10. A groundhog bit my bike tire and made it flat.

11. My driveway washed away in the rain last night.

12. I had to go to bingo.


Erin said...

Thanks Cree! Stephen and I just had a really good laugh over these! I'm just hoping he doesn't get any ideas from #2!

Michelle said...

This had me laughing!! Love it. I definitely like #8.