10 July 2010

Happy to be Here

Do you remember this post, all about how AMAZING the state of Maryland is?  I have been here for 6.5 weeks and have already enjoyed nearly everything on this short list.  Ok, so the four seasons part is a bit of a stretch and anyone around the area right now knows how difficult it is to enjoy this weather we've been having.  I've also not yet accomplished the first item, but the time will come.

Being here has been nothing short of marvelous, wonderful and blessed.  I started working for Grace Adventures Day Camp in the middle of June.  There are a number of new elements at Camp this year, but I have to tell you, I am loving every minute I spend working (and every silly song that is stuck in my head).  Here's a quick promo-vid from our website.

Create your own video slideshow at animoto.com.

Back in April of 2009, I wrote this post about Camp.  I just came across it again this morning and had a nice laugh.  

I am leading worship this summer at my church.  This is a challenge in its own way, but I'm heeding advice from Tom Petty, and I won't back down.  So far, I've mostly just been vision casting, which is something I tend to do well.  The responsibility, authority, practical side of things are also going just fine.  

It has been a hell of a week, but the God I serve is beyond such struggles.  You all know how much I LOVE the 4th of July, but this year wasn't exactly a celebration for our family.  I enjoyed some quality time with a couple of good friends, who only proved their friendship further by leaving our firework venue just moments before the show began so that I could drive over an hour to meet my mother and brother at our local hospital.  Out of privacy, I am not going to share any details here, but at this point, everyone is home and doing just fine.  I am blessed to work with a group of such great people and amazing friends who've been indescribably supportive all week.  Thank you.  And, a thank you to every one else who has been so lovingly concerned and supportive this week.  

Overall, it's been a season unexpected, filled with surprises and gifts.  It's a time of adjustment and acclimation.  It's a time of joy and relief.  It's a time shared, enjoyed, and endured.  It's a time of celebrating and laughing; a time of focusing and persevering.  It's a time honored.