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Teaching in Eggersdorf is going well. We had some bumps along the way with my availability. As these things have settled, my time at the school has become more enjoyable. The students are from 11-14 years old. We have a great time together. In some cases, I will teach an entire class about American culture or geography. Some lessons, I will rotate small groups thrughout the class duration and we will practice reading and speaking. Other lessons still, I meet with a small group for the entire class time and we only practice speaking. I want to teach the students to love language and to enjoy using English. I remember my first years of learning Spanish were terrible for me. I saw no real purpose and therefore, did not want to learn. I don't want that for these kids. I know that language learning is not easy, and for some, it is right-out difficult. These are the kids I like working with the most. How do I teach them to enjoy English? We talk about fun things! Yeah, sure they love learning about American sports, food, school systems, etc. but I am willing to talk with them about anything they enjoy. If the students in a small group only want to talk about their plans for the weekend, that is okay with me, so long as they use English. The kids have become pretty warm toward me and really even take good care of me. They also help me with my German in some small, fun, and important ways. All in all, we have a great time together. I am at the school for a total of 7 lessons (periods) each week.
Learning German is not easy but is is becoming more and more fun for me. I am now able to understand very well and my speech is improving week by week. I look forward to the day I can communicate with out translation!
things with BLAST slowed down for the last month but they are picking up speed (QUICKLY) again. We have three schools coming up the last week of November into the first week of December. We also have a BLAST Team meeting next weekend, so Sula and I have been busy organizing and trying to keep up. All of this work is even more difficult to manage now that we both are full swing into the semester and we neither of us has a consistent way to travel to the office.
Sparing you the details, as of about three weeks ago, I was adopted as the bass player for Crossways, Julia's band. Sadly, we've only had one rehearsal since I joined. We have our next performance/contest on December 12. I'm looking forward to it, though I still have a lot of practicing to do.
I am attending my first Austrian Matura Ball next weekend. It's along the lines of a prom but a bit different. The purpose is to celebrate the graduating class. "Matura" is the name of the final exams that Austrian students have to pass. I'd explain it to you in more detail, but I'm not really sure how it is, yet.
Housegroup has been AWESOME these last weeks. We've been really growing as a family and learning to love each other as such. Steve Espamer, from Pennsylvania, has been with us for the last few weeks. Steve comes to Austria a few times a year for missions. This trip, he brought a friend named Ron. These two guys are great. It has been a real treasure of a blessing to have them joining our house group for these weeks. Last night, I went with them to a town called Wolfsberg to do some teens ministry. There was first a service combing the youth groups from the churches of Wolfsberg. Some people from 2 hours away even came for this service. There were for sure 8 first time salvations!! Many teens were touched in great ways, though- some healed, some encouraged, some just learning more about this God who loves them. After the service, we went back into town to do some bar ministry. We had some awesome conversations with people! All in all, it was an astonishing trip!
I am going to take my laundry out of the washing machine so it can dry. I think I might take a nap or watching something that doesn't require any thinking until it is time to leave for church.
I'll include some pictures of Graz in the fall, my drive to work, and Wolfsberg.

Thanks for the "real" update! It sounds like you're having a lot of fun. YAY!
Thanks Cree! Good to hear things are going well! You are in our prayers!
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