Regine and I at our GINORMOUS "brunch" with the Kirschen and Co. [August]

Jason, Julia, me, and Denisha storming the Hohensalzburg (High Salzburg Fortress/Castle). [August]

Steve during bar ministry in Wolfsberg. [October]

Julia and I at Nevena's Matura Ball! [November]

Some of the girls from my Deutschkurs at the Kunsthaus. [December]

Joy playing in the snow on a Carinthian mountain the day after Christmas. [December]

New Years was PERFECT with Steph and the other Nebraskan girls here! [December/January]

I have some more pictures from a January trip to Bavaria but I've been too lazy to upload them from my camera- you'll just have to wait.
What's coming in the next months?
February- A trip to Zagreb, Croatia for a worship rehearsal.
March- Advanced Schools, Sarah will be in Germany, and probably another worship rehearsal in Zagreb.
April- Who knows?
May- Women's Conference in Sarajevo (I'm playing for worship there and this is why I have rehearsals in Zagreb), my birthday, CLE IS COMING (lots of playing and a trip to Italy and/or Budapest)
I don't know anything beyond May at this point. :-) But these are the things you have to look forward to hearing about!
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