I must say, I've really grown fond of the typical Austrian breakfast. A cup of coffee or black tea along side some bread with meats and cheeses and a bowl of joghurt and fruit makes for the perfect start. I even like the sour joghurt now. The family I am staying with here in Hrvatska drinks Turkish coffee. Yes, Debbie, it's that "nasty stuff" we gave Ebert. While it's pretty good when made correctly, it still isn't the best coffee I've ever tasted. In fact, I always feel a bit queazy as I finish the last few sips.
Back to the typical Austrian breakfast, though.

The bread in Austria is delicious. There's a great variety of darker, whole-grain breads. I'm not a huge fan of many of them yet, but it will come with time...maybe. Toast is commonly on my menu. It's cheap and it lasts longer.

My all-time favorite bread here is the laugenstange. Basically, it's a pretzel stick but doesn't have to have salt on it. Mmm... it's so good with the "good cheese" (description coming soon).
Meats- Austria is known for it's sausages and salamis. Out of respect for a favorite reader who happens to be pregnant with handsome Levi whom I'd really rather not make sick, I won't include pictures. The meats are of all different kinds. There are salamis from beef, pork, venison, and so on. There are pepper-stuff salamis and cheese salamis. There are some that have so many chunks of extra stuff that it makes me sick to my stomach when I see it. Needless to say, I've learned to try the salami without looking at it first. It seems to taste better if I don't see what's in it.
Cheeses- Cheese here is hard, soft, spicy, sweet, strong, or mild. My preferred cheeses are tilsiter, gouda, and butterkäse. Butterkäse (Butter cheese) is what some of us have resolved to calling the "good cheese." There's a particular brand that is absolutely delicious. Mmm. It's a soft and mild cheese that has a great taste with the laugenstange and salami (and it's not expensive!).
That's my typical breakfast on later mornings. Mornings with an earlier start, I usually just have toast with butter and joghurt with fruit.
What do YOU prefer for breakfast? Check out this week's poll and leave a comment about your choice.
oh Cree - you know that it was a "good" cup of coffee when the last few drips make you queezy :) That's how I felt when drinking the Tea Lady coffee in Sudan :) gotta love it! and didn't I tell you that it can actually taste good?! ;)
Although the breakfast you are describing sounds incredible - I would generally eat that Breakfast at midnight :) and I just can't beat a few eggs with bacon or sausage served with toast mmm mmm mmm - now I wanna go to that barrel of Crackers ;)
I love you!
I'm drooling on the keyboard. SO yummy.
So I have been wanting to get caught up on reading your blogs. This one is really not helping the very strong desire I have been having to hop on a plane and go back to Graz to see all of the food (and people) that I miss so much.
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