Today's soap box: America.
Somewhere in the middle of my list, I wrote I am passionate about politics, reform, local missions, and culture/nations. I am going to take each of those passions and mold them into one [stretched] stream of thought.
I am not going to speak about conservatism and the great republican way. I am not going to encourage anyone in one partisan direction or another. I am not going to encourage anyone to eat organic and switch your bulbs to energy efficient. I am not going to speak against the current President. I AM, however, going to encourage you to start speaking.
I keep up with the status of America as best I can from over here. These questions have run through my mind; as I am sure you've also asked yourself.
What IS going to happen to America in the next few years? What's going to happen as this quarter ends and the first of 2010 begins?! What's going to change- for the better? -for the worse? How will those changes take seat? How does it all effect ME?
Before I can say ANYthing else, PRAY for the leaders and our nation; the issues. COVER America with the blood of Jesus, and I assure you, we will see change (for the better).
National level politics is a big leagues field. It seems like the coach's pitch all-star MVP trying to play with Mickey Mantel and Cal Ripkin. Reality is, becoming involved in the happenings of the nation is not so difficult. Glen Beck put it clearly in a summer broadcast- we are being OVERLOADED with information, and it is absolutely impossible to keep up with everything the Obama Administration is saying.
What CAN we do?
1. Re-familiarize yourself with the constitution.
2. Pick an issue and follow it. Research that issue and know that issue inside out.
3. Pick a person (persons) and follow them. Research that person and learn as much as you possibly can about that particular political head. Whether it be a senator, delegate, or one of these new appointees- PICK SOME ONE!
4. USE THAT INFORMATION. Compare the happenings within the realm of that issue/figure to the constitution. When something does not fit together, then begin to speak-up about it. Instead of complaining at the dinner table, write emails to your local representative and to the media.
That's the national level.
What I believe is far too often overlooked is the local level of politics. We get so into the news and rhetoric of the national politicians, that we forget that our neighborhoods are being impacted right in front of us. GET INVOLVED IN YOUR LOCAL POLITICAL SCENE!! Know who your Delegates are and begin to communicate with them. Attend board and council meetings. Again, you cannot do everything, so pick an area and invest yourself. Seeking local reform is eventually going to impact the nation on a broader spectrum.
So, WAKE UP America!! I can see from here that much of America has already awoken... now become proactive in your stance.
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