I am eager for 3:30pm on August 4 to arrive. Don't get me wrong, though, I am truly looking forward to these next four weeks. Looking so brightly at this place has not been in my vision for many years. It feels good to like being here again. I've been blessed richly. My church family is incredible and growing together through some painful experiences makes it easier to allow myself to be more "at home" here.
We started training for camp last week. I really like all of my coworkers. We all seem to get along well as we have one focus but are all very different in personality and perspective. Having fun together has been easy. :-) We're looking forward to meeting our campers on Monday. This job will be a great way to spend my time for these next weeks.
Speaking of these weeks, I have a lot in my schedule. Next weekend I have to go down to southern VA and NC for about 24-32 hours. The following weekend I am going out with some of my cousins and we have a pig roast on the 20th with some family friends. Timmy comes up from Winston-Salem the 27th-2nd. Vance's wedding is the 2nd. I leave the 4th! Whoo-hoo!
Missing my Nebraskans goes without saying.
As always,