11 June 2010

a patriot afterall

I know, Independence Day is just around the corner, but I couldn't wait that long to share this.

Yesterday, I was explaining the point of the 4th to a European friend. A few statements in, tears streamed my cheeks. I loved living in the land of red and white, but I still have such a pride in being a citizen of the red, white, and blue. There may be a number of topics and issues that I am not happy about in my country right now, but to be an American; growing up with the concept of freedom bred into me, is something for which I am grateful.

And it is at this point that I would like to say thank you to everyone who has made that possible... and maintains the opportunity. Family, friends... brothers, uncles, husbands, moms, dads, sisters, wives, cousins, daughters, sons... thank you and Heaven's blessings upon you.