16 December 2008

photos available

Just wanted you to know that I've finally posted SOME pictures. They're on Facebook... enjoy!

13 December 2008

The Glorious Gift of Wood Stoves

When I emerged from my room this morning, I found a fire burning in the stove. I'd been working on some sound editing in my room but since I have this handy-dandy invention of a laptop, I decided to move my work to the dining room area next to the stove. It is cozy here today. Simply nice. The house has a calm atmosphere today. Something we've been missing for a while. I am working, but it isn't too difficult nor strenuous today. The files I am editing are only voice files and I'm producing the various translations from the last Ministry School. The worst part is waiting for Garage Band to convert the final edits into mp3 coding. As I said, it's not so bad. I suppose it gives me an excuse to blog while I'm between the edit and conversion.

There's a burning, stirring feeling in me today. It's a compelling feeling. It's that "something is going to happen" feeling that brings you aware of the need for focus and intercession. I'll see what I can finish of these files in the next 30 minutes or so and then spend time pressing in.

Talking to Teresa last night made me aware of something else. She asked me what the church looks like here, how the ministry actually functions, what my purposes have been, what am I doing here, are there pictures, etc. Her questions boiled down to a simple phrase she responded with, "it's good to actually know where you are." I wish it were easy to keep you better informed about all these things. I guess, the basis for the complication of explaining is that, well, I am living life here. I'm working and studying, simultaneous to doing ministry full time. Should sound similar to what you are doing there. At least, the latter facet of the sentence should resemble the similarity. Being the friend she is, I know what she was really asking about and I know the questions you are all wondering have no fault to them. In no simple means can I answer all your questions within a public blog, so I will do my best to describe Exousia to you today.

Exousia is a small fellowship- roughly 70 people in attendance. We meet on Saturday evenings for our regular worship service. It is a free church in Austria- meaning it is not Catholic and it is not the State's church. It is an apostolic, prophetic, warring, worshiping family. They generally push for the "unreachable" in order to bring to Earth that which is in Heaven. They are unlike any other church I've been a part of or visited. They are raw, real, and burning. They are, of course, imperfect but they are striving and growing in great ways. They are teaching me many things while I, in turn, am offering them as much as I can.

Feel free to leave comments or send me emails with the details you're still curious about. I don't bite...most of the time.

11 December 2008

Jingle bells...Batman smells...

Did you know that the titled lyrics are international?  Totally. The explanation: Our class is completely international- ranging from China, Iraq, and Kosovo, to Romania, Greece, and America (me!).  And I've left out a few other countries. Being from so many different countries, the only link we all have is the bit of German we've already learned together. Sitting in class, hardly paying attention, someone mentions Christmas songs- in German. To better explain what this expression meant, someone began humming "Jingle Bells." My friend from Romania proceeds to sing, "Jingle bells...Batman smells...Robin laid an egg." I laughed so hard and asked, "THAT'S INTERNATIONAL?!???!!!!" She just smiled and firmly replied, "Yes, of course."

04 December 2008

two more weeks

Winter break is coming!  YEA!  It's not the end of the semester here, though.  How strange is that?  We go until the end of January and then have the month of February as a break.

It's been a busy couple of weeks.  Last I wrote, I mentioned the schools and meetings and so-on.  We just finished hosting two Ministry schools here and Franz went to Albania to do another this weekend.  I still have some follow-up work to do from this past week, but I am glad the bulk of it is finished.  It's a lot of work at one time.  And, in this case, it also happened to fall at a very busy semester time.  Don't get me wrong, I LOVE doing this work!  I love working for Franz.  I loving putting myself into this ministry.  I love working with Sula!  I love it!  But, I'm tired. 

Plans for this weekend include- 
Friday - working in the morning, putting together Julia's birthday gift, sleep-over at BLAST Hill with the Croatians.
Saturday- doing laundry, church, and playing with Sula (I'm really looking forward to this).
Sunday- Celebrating Julia's birthday.
Monday (it's a holiday; apparently, a very important Catholic holiday)- resting, doing homework, ironing, and who knows what else.

Hope all's well on your end.  I miss you guys......

15 November 2008

finally worth reading

Many of you have been asking about things and I realize that my updates as of late have been scarce and really only about the logistics of my staying here. Sorry for that. I finally have some time this afternoon before church so I will see what I can do to provide a worth while update.

By category--

Teaching in Eggersdorf is going well. We had some bumps along the way with my availability. As these things have settled, my time at the school has become more enjoyable. The students are from 11-14 years old. We have a great time together. In some cases, I will teach an entire class about American culture or geography. Some lessons, I will rotate small groups thrughout the class duration and we will practice reading and speaking. Other lessons still, I meet with a small group for the entire class time and we only practice speaking. I want to teach the students to love language and to enjoy using English. I remember my first years of learning Spanish were terrible for me. I saw no real purpose and therefore, did not want to learn. I don't want that for these kids. I know that language learning is not easy, and for some, it is right-out difficult. These are the kids I like working with the most. How do I teach them to enjoy English? We talk about fun things! Yeah, sure they love learning about American sports, food, school systems, etc. but I am willing to talk with them about anything they enjoy. If the students in a small group only want to talk about their plans for the weekend, that is okay with me, so long as they use English. The kids have become pretty warm toward me and really even take good care of me. They also help me with my German in some small, fun, and important ways. All in all, we have a great time together. I am at the school for a total of 7 lessons (periods) each week.

Learning German is not easy but is is becoming more and more fun for me. I am now able to understand very well and my speech is improving week by week. I look forward to the day I can communicate with out translation!

things with BLAST slowed down for the last month but they are picking up speed (QUICKLY) again. We have three schools coming up the last week of November into the first week of December. We also have a BLAST Team meeting next weekend, so Sula and I have been busy organizing and trying to keep up. All of this work is even more difficult to manage now that we both are full swing into the semester and we neither of us has a consistent way to travel to the office.

Sparing you the details, as of about three weeks ago, I was adopted as the bass player for Crossways, Julia's band. Sadly, we've only had one rehearsal since I joined. We have our next performance/contest on December 12. I'm looking forward to it, though I still have a lot of practicing to do.

I am attending my first Austrian Matura Ball next weekend. It's along the lines of a prom but a bit different. The purpose is to celebrate the graduating class. "Matura" is the name of the final exams that Austrian students have to pass. I'd explain it to you in more detail, but I'm not really sure how it is, yet.

Housegroup has been AWESOME these last weeks. We've been really growing as a family and learning to love each other as such. Steve Espamer, from Pennsylvania, has been with us for the last few weeks. Steve comes to Austria a few times a year for missions. This trip, he brought a friend named Ron. These two guys are great. It has been a real treasure of a blessing to have them joining our house group for these weeks. Last night, I went with them to a town called Wolfsberg to do some teens ministry. There was first a service combing the youth groups from the churches of Wolfsberg. Some people from 2 hours away even came for this service. There were for sure 8 first time salvations!! Many teens were touched in great ways, though- some healed, some encouraged, some just learning more about this God who loves them. After the service, we went back into town to do some bar ministry. We had some awesome conversations with people! All in all, it was an astonishing trip!

I am going to take my laundry out of the washing machine so it can dry. I think I might take a nap or watching something that doesn't require any thinking until it is time to leave for church.

I'll include some pictures of Graz in the fall, my drive to work, and Wolfsberg.

07 November 2008


Sorry for lack of posting recently. It has been a tough, trying, tiring, wonderful, fun, and busy time. I am only home for about an hour before I have to leave again so I will keep this very brief....
This morning, I went to the Buro and....



20 October 2008


As I find myself in a "waiting" season, I don't really have much of an update. I am waiting. Patiently.... well, as Uschi said, "Lord, give me patience. NOW!!" We'll see how the Lord handles a variety of circumstances...it'll turn out ok. Those of you who are aware, thank you for your prayer.

14 October 2008

Band Needs Votes

I have poste​d this and sent email​s to some of you and Julia​ may have alrea​dy talke​d with some of you about​ this,​ but just in case she hasn'​t.​.​.​.​

Julia​'​s band,​ Cross​ways,​ is curre​ntly in a conte​st here.​ They play/​parti​cipat​e in the first​ round​ next weeke​nd but all the votin​g is done onlin​e by the fans.​ She needs​ your help with this.​ Pleas​e,​ regis​ter here . I will give you the list of trans​latio​n for each part of the form that you need to actua​lly fill in or selec​t.​ Thank​s!​

Log-​In data



Passw​ord Again​

Conta​ct Form

First​ Name

Last Name


Posta​l Code/​Zip Code


Then click​ regis​trier​en.​

Then click​ weite​r.​

Then you will recei​ve a confi​rmati​on email​.​ Click​ the link.​ Once you retur​n to the page,​ log in and then click​ "​ranki​ng"​ and then find CROSS​WAYS.​ Click​ it and then click​ vote.​

The reason we ask for votes is for publicity. Julia's band is the only "Christian" band in the contest. They are Christian by their lyrics. Julia gets the lyrics from the Lord and her musicians are all not YET Christians. They will be. So, if they get a higher ranking, they will able to play more concerts in the are giving the name/the Lord more opportunity in the region. She doesn't care to win, just to get their name out there.
You are great​!​ We appre​ciate​ your help!​

11 October 2008

Redeeming Grace and Nurturing Glory

Two ingredients the Lord has been stirring into my heart.  

I feel like a pancake batter being turned into crepes (yes, just for you Jason!).  It's like my batter has the lumps in it that any good pancake chef knows are necessary for the PERFECT pancake consistency.  The lumps needn't be stirred out and they must also not be too large.  They are precisely what is required for a pancake breakfast.  Crepes, on the other hand (or in the other griddle), require the batter is completely beaten until smooth.  The ingredients between the basic pancake and the basic crepe are the same, though the latter calls for more sugar.  This mixing process; rather, the beating process, is what makes the difference in texture.  

The Lord is beating some of these lumps out of me.  Some of the lumps are little and some bigger, but He is carefully stirring through, making sure He touches each lump.  Some of the lumps were things that were "okay" or "good" for the last years.  These were things that were even necessary for what the Lord had for me in the past.  As I said, they were good things.  Now, though, He needs something slightly different.  He still wants me, Cree, with the taste He intended.  He still wants Cree for the ideas He has purposed.  It's just time for a new look and a new feel.  It is time for New Life.  Just as Sulamit has been praying, there will also be a new sweetness in me as a crepe.  

So how does breakfast/dessert relate to "redeeming grace and nurturing glory"?  The redeeming grace seems to speak for itself.  The grace of the Lord is so great that He desires to transform me from one shape to the next.  He makes me new.  Isn't it amazing how the mercies and love of the Father are new each day?  How each day we are being transformed into something new?  Yeah yeah yeah...anyway... about the nurturing glory.  As the Lord takes us into new things and changes us, the question is often, "okay, God, so how do I do this?  How do I be this new thing?"  His response is simple- a willing heart and time in His presence.  His glory is such that none can stand.  Being face to face with the god of the universe; hand in hand with the savior to all mankind, is what nurtures and fosters this change.  Yes, I (we) need to make the deliberate decision to allow this change and to step into this change, but we do that best by being the midst of the Lord.  Yeah yeah, "read my Bible and pray."  NO!  Make your way into the throne room, sit on the King's lap and let Him bathe you with His glory.  Never been to the throne room?  Don't even know what that means?  Ask me for more detail in a more personal setting (ahem, email).  Or, simply ask the Holy Spirit what this means and tell Him that though you don't understand where or what this is, you are willing to learn.  I can assure you He will begin to take you there.  And when He does, buckle your seat belt, it is going to be an indescribably adventurous ride.  

The summation::
I am doing alright.  I am aching, hurting, learning and growing.  But, I am okay.  I am situated... excuse me, situating myself into a new seat of trust.  I've lost it all and I am losing more.  It's a great time!  

24 September 2008

Five Reasons to Fall In Love...

As I wrote a response to Erin's current poll, I decided I wanted to share with you some of what makes my heart beat for Maryland.
1.  Maryland Blue Crabs.  They are a staple food of Maryland, if not THE staple of Maryland.

2.  Small towns to big cities.
The rural Western Maryland spreads its horizon for farming while to the East and South, the district is all about business and politics.  I grew up in Western Howard County (Glenelg, to be precise).  My home is on a farm but a short jaunt in the car lands me in a municipal.  In between WHC and Baltimore, there is Old Ellicott City, lending itself to the quaint at heart.  Toward the south, we cross through Montgomery County before meeting D.C.   I mention MoCo out of respect for my family and church.e!  Our capital city, Annapolis is beautiful, to say the least.


3.  Mountains, Fields, and the Ocean.  What's not to love when you can have the best of all worlds?  The hills of the Appalachian Mountain Range offer a beautiful realm of opportunity for hiking and biking .  Spend an afternoon at Sugarloaf or a day at Cunningham Falls for a simple, relaxing time outdoors.    From swimming in the Ocean to rafting down a River or fishing in the Bay, there are plenty of water-related activities offered across the State as well.

4.  Baseball.  Though Friday night student tickets have increased in price, it is still worth the trip downtown.  

5.  Four seasons.

Some of you who read my blog have never been to Maryland, or are now living in Maryland though you are from elsewhere.  I did not do justice representing my State and all it has to offer, but hopefully, these few things will entice you to look further.

23 September 2008

Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz

I am a student! Huzzah! I went to the Uni today to turn in yet another document. The woman who has graciously handled my situation for the last 4 months announced, "Gut. Alles klar.' Meaning, "Good. That's everything." I asked if there was a letter from the Uni that stated my admissions and she said I should have received it already. Apparently, it was sent to my address in Maryland about a month ago (dang it) but she copied the letter for me and gave me more information about the little things.
I took my German language placement exam Monday morning.  It went alright- I will find out the course details next Wednesday and it begins on Friday.  I'm looking forward to getting started on that.  It feels to good to see things really coming together.  *sigh*  We serve a mighty God.  Like I've said before- He blesses obedience; be in obedience.

17 September 2008


In my time here, I expected Sulamit to help teach me German. As of this week, she is also teaching me English. Did you know that the little money box is called a "till"? I guess I probably did at some point learn this, but I did not recall such a word for this "cash box" until this week.

One school complete, one in mid-progress, and one to go! It has been a successful week. Yesterday, Sula and I managed our first school in Graz. We were so proud of ourselves in the end! Thursday we will do a check-out and then Friday we have to organize the last school for the month. It should be calmer for a time regarding these BLAST schools. It will be nice to get into the office to clean and (re-)organize some things.

The current run down of random details:
Today I was supposed to go to a "Hütte" with Sonja, J, and Uschi. A "hütte" is a hut or cabin in the alps. They plan to hunt for mushrooms and just enjoy quiet time in the woods. I made the opt to stay in Graz today when I awoke this morning thinking of the many things I need to do. Sad, but true. We have House Group tonight. It will be great, as Julia is doing our lesson.
Thursday, Mike will take me to a doctor to get this little form taken care of for the University. It isn't a huge deal and they say it will take just 5-10 minutes. It merely has to be done. Also on Thursday, I need to go to BLAST Hill and manage the work for the last school this week.
Friday, I go to Eggersdorf to meet with the other English teachers. We will organize some schedule for me at this time. I'm thinkin' that Schoolhouse Rock might have to make an appearance in Eggersdorf this fall. Friday afternoon I finish the check-in requirements for the School and then the School starts. I will attend this one! It will be good and I am looking forward to it.
Monday, I will take my German placement exam! I am looking forward to getting this over with.
Tuesday, hopefully, I can deliver the last (I pray) documents to the Uni and then I will await my letter of admissions.

And now, back to work. :-(

08 September 2008

Wanna be Just Like You.....

The God we serve astonishes me with His graceful power. A revelation of who I am poured over me throughout the last week. I felt lost and desperate, not knowing where to turn for someone to simply understand. Wisdom and words of comfort were of no use. I needed someone to sit with me (Job 2:11-13) and recognize my suffering. I sought the Lord hour after hour for such assuagement. Speaking Psalm 116:7 to my soul, He brought peace to my weary heart. As I allowed Him to humble me, He taught me more intimately about His heart. When time came for me to emerge from the supernatural and spend time with people, I felt my soul quickly running back into a place of hiding. Again, desperation fell on me. So, I sought the Lord and cried to Him a plea for deliverance. I begged Him for a merciful revelation of how to level my emotions. His response was that which I had been avoiding, "Be vulnerable with me..." I told Him very pointedly, "No, not here. Not with these people I don't even know if I can trust." "You trust me?" He left me silent. Within moments, tears fell from my eyes. I did not just cry, but I wept. In time, the Lord settled me down again. At this point, I knew only to do what Cle would tell me to do- drink some tea and read my Bible till I feel safe again. I did that. While it worked for the brief moments I allowed, my sweet Jesus brought me to a safe place to be vulnerable . . . again. This time, as a child.

While on a walk tonight, the Lord spoke to me about this time being my Esther year. This excites me! He brought me to this song by Jason Upton. I've heard it many times, but tonight it spoke through me on a different level.
Just Like You
I tried to walk on the water and found myself under the sea
So with water up my nose I felt your hand come close to save me
I’ve tried to cast out the demons I’ve gone to the darkest of regions
When fear has me shaking you suddenly break in to save me

I desire
To be like you
Like any son or daughter
I want to be like my Father
I desire to be like you
You promised to never forsake me
So I’ll risk it all if you’ll make me like You

You stand beside me just waiting while I try to go it alone
Smiling You say son come here won’t you let me just help you
But frustrated I try to make it cause I’ve just got something to prove
Not knowing it is my weakness that perfects your power

04 September 2008


A lot of Joy!
1. House Group was AWESOME last night! We have three members who are going to America (funny, isn't it?) this month. Two leave this weekend and the third (Ina) leaves in two weeks. We had a long time of worship together last night. Mmm so good. The Lord was pushing me through some things and I was getting pretty frustrated with Him. After some time, Sula and Suky prayed for me and for a releasing of the joy in my heart. It was good. I was in a GREAT mood yesterday/last night but because I was getting so frustrated waiting for the Lord, I lost track of from where my strength comes- JOY! After worship, Sula did a short lesson. We talked Sunday night about how we want to start House Group (after a summer hiatus) before these guys go to America so that when/if they return, they are still connected. This way, we don't have a "new" HG when they come back. Then we celebrated! Mmm good food.

2. Regine and I went to the Uni today to check on the progress of my paperwork. The last I knew, the woman handling my files was trying to find evidence that a note from UNL was sufficient to the UniGraz expectations. She never told us if she found what she needed; and after being gone for a week, I was unsure about where things are standing. Expecting a long line of incoming students, Regine and I were pleasantly surprised to find only one girl in line in front of us for the particular woman with whom we needed to speak. Praise the Lord! We gave this woman (the same woman has handled my papers all along) my name and she pulled my file. She stated that my application had been sent and that I needed to go to some other office to take my German Language Placement Exam. We will go next week to register for this exam- it is required for admissions that I take it. Sometime in these next weeks, we will FINALLY hear if I am accepted as a student at UniGraz. Pray this is a FAST process. Considering the admissions office now has my application, it means that all the documents I have given the Uni are correct. Really, we are just awaiting their review of my app and then a yea or nay. I'm not worried about being accepted (something about already having a University degree gives me confidence that I will be accepted here) but more want this to be handled quickly so that, as we all know, I can finally submit my visa application.

3. Michi is da! Well, not now, he was here. Karina picked him up a little while ago. I am having lunch with Karina and Herta (the woman I will live with from October until I leave). Karina brought a special someone to Graz with her today... she brought JOY! I love this dog. See the pictures of her from this morning. As I said, JOY IS IN THE HOUSE!

I bless each of you with an attitude of fervent prayer and a trusting in the Spirit that becomes whom/what you are.

I love you! I miss you.

02 September 2008


Ahhh, Croatia. We had a great vacation. I cannot clearly explain to you how we really did NOTHING for an entire week. It was amazing! We sat in the sun, read, prayed, worshipped, swam, went for walks, watched movies (and episodes of Alias), enjoyed the Center of Baska, cooked, went for ice cream and drinks (because we wouldn't be who we are, otherwise!).... and so on. Like I said, it was great.
I had good time to press into the Spirit and seek some directions for my time here. This was a key. Now that I am back, my work-load has picked up the pace. I spent the day yesterday in the BLAST office working with Ina and Sula. Mostly, Ina gave an overview of some things that need to be taken care of regularly. I can't believe she leaves for PA in just a couple of weeks now. I am a little nervous about taking over all of her responsibilities. *deep breath* I CAN be a Type-A. I CAN be a Type-A. It will be alright. Franz has decided that I will take Ina's position and Sula will be my assistant as I need her. We already have three ministry schools approaching in the next two weeks. This is what has us busiest right now- registration and manual translation. It feels good to have so much work, though. I finally have a sense of ownership. I'm not just floating around waiting for things to start any more- I am here and I am working.
Speaking of work, I am supposed to meet my co-teacher this week. I have some lesson plans that I need to finish writing for her. Any one have any great ideas for conversation-focused lesson plans for 12-14 year olds?
I hope you are all doing well. Some of you have been heavy on my heart recently (especially those of you with leaky roofs). For you especially, know that I have not been able to rest in intercession for you since July. You stand on good ground.
My kids who started college this month- I'm proud of you guys! I hope you are enjoying these changes!

23 August 2008

Stupid Americans


Well, hello there!
We just left Jason and Denisha at the airport. Last year, when I was preparing to leave my famous quote was, "Stupid Balkan nations and stupid people from the Ballkans!" Today, when we got in the car, Julia asked me if I was okay and I told her, "No. . . . Stupid Americans." It was a good laugh, that's for sure.

It's hard. As she said, while standing in the airport watching our friends go through security, my last American connection left. This is the hard part. I love the Kirschen- but we said our goodbyes back in May. Them leaving this afternoon means that I am finally here. I am staying here. This is "for good". It is official- I have moved to Graz. That's what is hard at this point. I know, it was my choice and I am happy with my choice of obedience. And, knowing I am being obedient is my only comfort at this point.
I guess that isn't my only comfort......

.....Thanks, Justin and DC for planning a wedding for next summer, by the way. That brings me a lot of comfort, too... :-) ... assuming I am invited.

Some MUCH needed time with my Jesus is a must at this point. I wanted to write a few lines, though, to let ya know where I am and what's coming. Julia and I leave for Krk, Croatia in the middle of the night tonight. We will be there for the week for vacay! We are really looking forward to this week....mmmm.... water, sun, beach, quiet, rest, reading, writing, worship, prayer closet, walks, breathing, coming into freedom to new levels.... ahh, our God is good. Anyway, I will touch base when I can again.

17 August 2008

07 August 2008

Duration Announcement!!

It is official- as of this morning, I will be staying in Austria for a MINIMUM of two years. Well, at least, I will be maintaining my phone contract until then. Julia and I were very busy this morning making arrangements for me. We signed a phone and internet contract. I am officially reachable via Handy! Except, I don't think that I will ever again call it a 'Handy'.... I will send an email with the new number momentarily.

Other things Austrian-
We went to Parschlug Wednesday morning to play with Joy (notice her in the bottom left corner of my title-photo). and to eat lunch with Karina, Julia's mom. It was a great morning. Joy warmed up to me quickly again- I think she remembers me as her ignorant American friend who does not know how to give dog commands in German. ;-) Lunch time was simply enjoyable. Let's just say that Karina is FAR better at "hello" than she is at "goodbye." I love my family here. Taking Joy for a walk was a given for the afternoon. Karina and I enjoyed that time alone together. She gave me a few German books. Mostly elementary school grammar workbooks. I took some time to read "Mr Messy" (in German of course) to Julia and Karina. They enjoyed the story though I didn't understand the majority of what I read.
Last night, we went to House Group. It was my first time seeing a few familiar faces. It was a night of prayer and worship for seeking vision for the HG this new year. We are helping provide a service for the teens of Graz this Friday night. There are great and exciting things beginning with this generation world wide- I look forward to seeing what that looks like here. Pray for the youth- worldwide, this generation is on fire! Expect more.
The Kirsch's arrive early tomorrow morning!!! We are going to have a lot of fun together! Uschi, Julia, and I already figured out some good plans for this weekend. We have church at Exousia Saturday night. It should be an adventure of a service just before the SOW. Speaking of, the School of the Word (SOW) is this Monday-Friday. Mmm....so much meat and such great worship.

04 August 2008


I am sitting at IAD waiting for departure. I learned last night that I my flight had been cancelled as the result of a recent Lufthansa strike. Praise God, they already had me confirmed for a later flight today! :-) I will still arrive in Graz at the same time.
Jason and Denisha arrive on Friday!! EeeeEEEEeeee!!! I am excited to see them! I have a lot of ministry responsibilities right when I arrive-- from House Group to worship services for the youth of Graz. SOW begins on Monday, leaving this weekend very full of work and preparations.

Keep me updated!
Much love.

27 July 2008

Here We Go

Growing up, moving on
Here we go, not looking back, not turning 'round.
Here we go.
Packing in, Rising up
Here we go, recognize it's time to say goodbye;
And smile on.

The way is clear and doors are open.
Here we go, not looking back, not turning 'round.
Here we go
Why wait for another chance?
One at a time, chances shine and waiting now could mean waiting a life time.
Here we go, recognize it's time to say goodbye;
Don't give in and don 't give up. Time will tell...
And smile on.

Is this the end or just the start?
Here we go, not looking back, not turning 'round.
Here we go.
Where next will hearts depart?
Here we go, recognize it's time to say goodbye;
And smile on.

Growing up, moving on
Here we go, not looking back, not turning 'round.
Here we go.
Packing in, Rising up
Here we go, recognize it's time to say goodbye;
And smile on.

25 July 2008


Here I am, ten days from departure. I'm feelin' good about it. The most frequent question I've been asked recently is, "are you nervous?" No. I'm not nervous. I am eager to see my sister and the family. I am excited to play with Joy. I look forward to games with Petra. The Kirsch's will be there three days after I arrive, so I am also looking forward to seeing them again. I love the food and the language. I cannot yet call the culture mine, but I look forward to owning it. Bureaucracy is bureaucracy. I cannot say when things will come together for my visa, but I know that they will. I do not fret about it any more. I am now simply confident to go and do what it is that I have spent these years preparing to do. The first days will be marked with celebrating and preparations for the SOW. I pray that I am able to take my Visa Application to the officials that week before the SOW. This would mean the University processes my paperwork immediately so that I can prove that I am a student. Please pray for this. My application documents arrived (again) on the 21st (yes, Amy was correct with her faith-filled optimism) and now I am hoping for the favor of the Lord to fall upon these documents. The sooner I hear about my student status, the better. I must apply for my visa as soon as I possibly can after my arrival so that I can receive my visa before three months pass and in time for me to start at the University.

Music. Music. Music. I am looking forward to playing for SOW and Exousia. I am looking forward to playing with my sister. I am also looking forward to playing at Christ Fellowship Church here in Maryland for the next two Sunday's. It will be great to play with the team again after such a hiatus and prior to another. I love my church family.

I had an amazing time with my Servant team again this week. I love my kids. All of you- Nebraskans and Marylanders alike -are an incredible asset to my life, the Kingdom, and the purposes of the Lord. God bless you. I miss many of you already, and others I know I will miss greatly after next Friday.

Below, you'll find some examples of why I miss my 'Braskans so much!


From the book: Kaffeehaus: The Best Desserts from the Classic Cafés of Vienna, Budapest, and Prague | © 2002
by Rick Rodgers
reviews (9)
my notes
Editor's note: The recipe and introductory text below are excerpted from Rick Rodgers's book Kaffeehaus: The Best Desserts from the Classic Cafés of Vienna, Budapest, and Prague. Rodgers also shared some helpful cooking tips exclusively with Epicurious, which we've added at the bottom of the page.

To read more about Austrian cooking, click here.

In the past few years, bakers have been upping the ante with chocolate desserts (think of your local American bistro's "warm chocolate cakes with gooey chocolate centers"). The Sachertorte is a refined, elegant combination of chocolate flavors, complemented by a compulsory mound of Schlag. The whipped cream is an important part of the picture, as it moistens the frankly firm cake layers. Every bit of Sachertorte is supposed to be dipped in the whipped cream. This version is based on the recipe in Das Grosse Sacher Backbuch ("The Big Sacher Baking Cook"), which should be a reliable source.

Don't expect the cake layer to look perfect; sometimes the air bubbles are large and make holes in the top of the cake. If that happens, take some cake trimmings and mash them with a little of the apricot glaze to make a paste, and use a metal icing spatula to "spackle" the holes with the mixture.

Servings: Makes 12 to 16 servings.

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4 1/2 ounces high-quality bittersweet chocolate, finely chopped
9 tablespoons (1 stick plus 1 tablespoon) unsalted butter, at cool room temperature
1 cup confectioners' sugar
6 large eggs, separated, at room temperature
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1 cup all-purpose flour (spoon gently into cup and level top)
1 cup Apricot Glaze
Small Batch Chocolate Glaze
Sweetened Whipped Cream, for serving


1. To make the torte: Position a rack in the center of the oven and heat to 400°F. Lightly butter a 9-inch springform pan and line the bottom with a round of parchment or wax paper. Dust the sides of the pan with flour and tap out the excess.
2. In the top part of a double boiler over very hot, but not simmering, water, or in a microwave at medium power, melt the chocolate. Remove from the heat or the oven, and let stand, stirring often, until cool.

3. Beat the butter in the bowl of a heavy-duty standing mixer fitted with the paddle blade on medium-high speed until smooth, about 1 minute. On low speed, beat in the confectioners' sugar. Return the speed to medium-high and beat until light in color and texture, about 2 minutes. Beat in the egg yolks, one at a time, scraping down the sides of the bowl. Beat in the chocolate and vanilla.

4. Beat the egg whites and granulated sugar in a large bowl with a handheld electric mixer on high speed just until they form soft, shiny peaks. Do not overbeat. Stir about one fourth of the beaten whites into the chocolate mixture to lighten it, then fold in the remaining whites, leaving a few visible wisps of whites. Sift half of the flour over the chocolate mixture, and fold in with a large balloon whisk or rubber spatula. Repeat with the remaining flour.

5. Spread evenly in the pan. Bake until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean, about 45 minutes. (The cake will dome in the center.) Cool on a wire rack for 10 minutes. Remove the sides of the pan, and invert the cake onto the rack. Remove the paper and reinvert on another rack to turn right side up. Cool completely.

6. To assemble: Using a long serrated knife, trim the top of the cake to make it level. Cut the cake horizontally into two equal layers. Place one cake layer on an 8-inch cardboard round. Brush the top of the cake layer with the apricot glaze. Place the second cake layer on top and brush again. Brush the top and sides of the cake with the remaining glaze. Transfer the cake to a wire rack placed over a jelly-roll pan lined with waxed paper. Let cool until the glaze is set.

7. Make the chocolate glaze (it must be freshly made and warm). Pour all of the warm chocolate glaze on top of the cake. Using a metal offset spatula, gently smooth the glaze over the cake, allowing it to run down the sides, being sure that the glaze completely coats the cake (patch any bare spots with the spatula and the icing that has dripped). Cool until the glaze is barely set, then transfer the cake to a serving plate. Refrigerate until the glaze is completely set, at least 1 hour. Remove the cake from the refrigerator about 1 hour before serving.

8. To serve, slice with a sharp knife dipped into hot water. Serve with a large dollop of whipped cream on the side.

The cake can be prepared up to 2 days ahead and stored in an airtight cake container at room temperature.

Extra! Tips from Epicurious:
• Quality ingredients will really make a difference in this cake. Valhrona chocolate is perfect because of its dark, almost bitter flavor. For the most authenticity, look for the Austrian brand D'Arbo apricot preserves and Austrian Stroh rum for the glaze.
• For the best results, be generous with the apricot glaze — don't miss a spot, and let plenty sink into the cake before you pour on the chocolate.

17 July 2008

One Day More

Oh dear friends, time is passing me faster than I anticipated.  It's been nearly two months since I've seen many of you, though it feels like it was just last week when we shared such a fun car ride to Omaha!  "G.P. are you with me?"   Maryland, as I've said, has been far more enjoyable than I ever anticipated.  Thank you, to the many of you, who have prayed and continued praying me through this time.  May you be blessed 100-fold for being a blessing.  The Lord is good and has been showing His faithfulness.  Healing in many relationships has become evident.  Thank you, Father. 

Austrian efforts have been mildly troublesome.  Okay, I take that back.  It's just been bad and hard.  Most of it has been settled and straightened out, prayerfully, and things are moving forward again.  I leave in a matter of weeks, now- 2.5 weeks to be accurate. 

Last night, I had dinner at Jarrod and Christine's house.  On the way down, I was thinking and praying about everything.  This was the first time in a while that I have been able to really reflect on life.  I leave in 2.5 weeks.  In the few weeks I have been here, so much has happened.  Our church has been through tough times, my family is changing greatly, and I've been blessed with some new relationships.  All of which, I resolve to a praise-filled stature.  God, you are not only good, but you are a GREAT God!  

I love working with Grace Adventures.  The days are long and more often than not exhausting, but I love being there.  I love the kids.  I love the environment.  I love my coworkers.  We are coming to the conclusion of our second week with campers.  This week, I've been a counselor for 5th and 6th grade girls.  I was not entirely enthused about my position this week, but I have thoroughly enjoyed this opportunity.  After a morning assembly, my group has "Counselor Planned Activity Time."  I asked my girls this morning what they wanted and they chose to have extra Bible time!  Thursday is Gospel Day, so I was eager to do Bible time, anyway.  I asked the girls what they wanted to talk about during our "extra Bible Time" and one of the girl's opened her Bible to a page with the question, "what is the Gospel?" scribed across the middle of it, in large print.  I smiled.  This was my opportunity to share my testimony with these girls.  Upon conclusion, they all were able to quickly relate my testimony to that of Stephen (our Bible character of the week).  They all know Christ as savior and are learning what it means for Him to become Lord.  Hearing my story opened their precious little hearts to a whole new world of what communion with the Spirit means.  I pray they continue to grow as they approach middle and high school.  They really are great girls.  

However, I am ready for the weekend.  This weekend will include time with some family Friday evening in Silver Spring, Opera Camp performances Saturday evening, playing for worship on Sunday, and the annual Pig Roast on Sunday afternoon until it is time for Fusion!

05 July 2008

progress report

Many have been asking about where things stand regarding these changes from the recent weeks.  My University application materials arrived to Julia on Friday, July 4th.  She will take them to the offices next week for me.  The Visa application is presumably coming along.  I have my International Driving Permit.  I need to pick up a few more electrical adapters, call my bank, get a passport-photo for my Visa app, find an insurance for the first two months, and take care of some other little things.  Everything is coming together quite readily.  

I am eager for 3:30pm on August 4 to arrive.  Don't get me wrong, though, I am truly looking forward to these next four weeks.  Looking so brightly at this place has not been in my vision for many years.  It feels good to like being here again.  I've been blessed richly.  My church family is incredible and growing together through some painful experiences makes it easier to allow myself to be more "at home" here.  

We started training for camp last week.  I really like all of my coworkers.  We all seem to get along well as we have one focus but are all very different in personality and perspective.  Having fun together has been easy.  :-)  We're looking forward to meeting our campers on Monday.  This job will be a great way to spend my time for these next weeks.  

Speaking of these weeks, I have a lot in my schedule.  Next weekend I have to go down to southern VA and NC for about 24-32 hours.  The following weekend I am going out with some of my cousins and we have a pig roast on the 20th with some family friends.  Timmy comes up from Winston-Salem the 27th-2nd.  Vance's wedding is the 2nd.  I leave the 4th!  Whoo-hoo!

Missing my Nebraskans goes without saying.  

As always,

15 June 2008

few changes to plans

As you may have heard, we've had some complications.... cat
more cat pictures.

Saving you all the details, as of a week ago, I will enroll at the University in Graz and head over on a Student Visa.

In the mean time, give yourself a few laughs!


02 June 2008

An End meets a Beginning... or some place in between...

Well, here it is, folks, the blog you’ve all been waiting for! Okay, so maybe you haven’t been waiting and you really don’t even care. BUT, I thought it’d be a good venue to keep you informed about the happenings in my life.

Truly, though, it is only fair for me to keep you updated on my life if you also intend to keep me included in YOUR life! That being said, please do not be bashful to send me emails, post comments, or give me a call!

So the first little update::

I arrived in Maryland late Tuesday night. These last couple of days have been mostly enjoyable. My heart is still aching for the community it knows, but adjusting to life here is also good. My mom is hosting a graduation celebration this weekend- many family and friends will flood our property. I’m looking forward to the festivities! I have an Aunt and Uncle living in upstate NY and I have only seen them a few times since I first moved to Lincoln. They will come into town late tonight!

Well, I hope that I am a good steward to this blogging life! Please be patient with me if I’m not consistent in updates!