13 May 2009

means for a break

Every Monday and Tuesday, I leave my house just before 6am and travel into the city, where I waste 30 mins waiting for the next bus that takes me back OUT of the city, in the opposite direction of where I live.  During those 30 mins, I usually eat my breakfast, drink some coffee, and read my Bible.  This Tuesday, I was in my own zone with my iPod running my thoughts when, all the sudden, THWACK, something hit the back of the bus-stop-hut.  I turned in time to see it was an eager pigeon trying to be first in line for a dropped piece of bread.  Well, he didn't win.  

I did so well with writing here for the last week and now I am writing to defend why posts will likely be scarce over the next weeks.  Clearthur arrives tomorrow evening!  I am sure that I will have PLENTY to blog about, but I am not so sure how much time I will have to do so.  Cle and I will be hosting a Mexican dinner/lunch party at some point (in honor of my birthday).  Mostly, he will be witnessing our normal, day-to-day lives here, but we've also planned some great excursions.  I'm sure that between all of us, SOMEONE will remember to take pictures.  You can look forward to those.  So, what's on the docket for May?
-Opera (Nabucco, Verdi)
-MAYBE Salzburg
-Budapest, Hungary

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