09 September 2011

Confessions of Slow Dancing in a Burning Room

Alright, so helping out with my grandparents lead me to some late nights which meant lots of bad TV to keep me awake. I feel like I got caught up on all kinds of American pop culture that I missed from 2008-2010 by watching E! after 9:00 (Keeping Up With The Kardashains, Dance Moms). Confession- I've never watched anything on E! before last week. Close to midnight a special interview with Selena Gomez came on and I watched it. Yup. The WHOLE hour of it. She's a remarkable kid with a great grasp of reality (according to the E! interview, anyway). I started to do that "Input" thing and researched her (no pink horses here!), eventually landing on the page of her friend, Alyson Stoner.
I didn't have to scroll very far to see something that I really liked about this girl.
"As I recorded my version of this song, I prayed for God to help me understand and convey a level of hurt similar to John’s. What was revealed to me was powerful. I hadn’t experienced the demise of a romantic relationship, but I’d fallen in love with other things in this world that would fail to satisfy eternally; namely, my career.
For 11 years, I’d romanced my career by developing my craft, building my resume, and working consistently (without moral compromise, of course). But as I made my career my ULTIMATE thing, I sacrificed other important areas of my life, including relationships with family/friends/God, my health, and my education. Making any good thing an ULTIMATE thing will ALWAYS lead to destruction… it’s misguided worship. Worship intended to be directed toward the Source/Giver of the good thing. And, I can’t take any of my success to the grave anyway. Not my career. Not fame. Not money. Nothing. It’s like slow dancing in a burning room."
Check out the cover and her full blog statement here.

Go on and check them out... I won't judge you for following through on your input impulses. And, my confession of a guilty pleasure, I do like Selena Gomez' music... it makes me wanna dance! :-)

06 September 2011

Boundaries and Limitations

Boundaries and barriers of this world are two facades we fall victim to far more frequently than should occur. This is a theme that crosses so many areas of life. It comes down to a question I ask myself, "is this Truth or Reality?"  Truth is what scripture has to say; the divine words and promises of God about who I am and more importantly, whom He is.  Reality is what I am seeing, feeling, experiencing with my natural senses. Sometimes, reality and truth are aligned. Most often, reality is blurred by the enemy's distortion and perversion as well as by my own flesh and inadequacies.  

It is the simple concept of knowing scripture is truth.  But, it is taking it the step further of applying that truth to my life. What's the point of everything the Lord is working out in us if we never apply it?  I am daily being transformed, transitioning from glory to glory.  At least, that's what scripture says of me. Am I allowing that to happen?  Am I allowing the Spirit to challenge me?  Am I choosing to take steps that make me uncomfortable for the sake of seeing His truth more solidified in my spirit-man?  

What does the fruit of the change look like? Sometimes it is as simple as an attitude adjustment or perhaps a reconciled relationship. But, I know the workings of the Spirit in my life are far more intricate and intimate than superficial reactions. Am I allowing Him to work at the root of the sin issues in my heart? Am I working with Him to repent and choose His ways? Am I really fixed on things above? 

All of these questions bring me back to functioning out of the faith of Jesus Christ. 
Some practical examples: trusting the Lord with finances. praying for the sick to be healed. praying for people to be delivered. trusting that freedom is my nature, not captivity (freedom of thoughts, insecurity, performance etc).

This is the framework of what I am processing.